Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Friday, February 5, 2010

We met a month ago!

It has already been one month since our Gotcha day. My how time flies...the day before we were to meet Faith we were stranded in the Beijing Airport, standing room only with about 500 other people for over 12 hours; wondering where we would be sleeping that night.

We paced, tried to use the phones with no luck, and were isolated because of the language barrier. I don't think we have ever felt so alone and desperate. The desperation came from the knowledge that our daughter was going to be waiting to meet us and us not show up? That thought was too much for me to process at the time, and I kept saying silent prayers, holding out faith.

Faith has carried us through so many hurdles in life, and this day and night were no different. Again a miracle for us when out of 590 flights that were grounded that day, 7 flights made it out of Beijing. WE made it to her province...it was 2 am...but we made it! Relief and gratitude were all we felt when our plane touched the ground.

There always seem to be great trials before the blessings. Faith is such a blessing. Both our daughter and the act of believing. For over a year we have dealt with unknowns, and concerns about her health, personality, disability. Faith is what kept us going, and hoping. I don't know how others get through life without it.

With little sleep, and a small backpack full of toys we walked into that room and met our daughter. All those unknowns were gone the moment we laid eyes on her. I wanted to be strong and not cry because I thought that might confuse the moment for her, and I wanted her to know the pure joy I felt that moment.

Since that day, she is constantly amazing us. I look back at the fears and insecurities I had about her diagnosis and feel such relief now. Not that she is perfect, or that the road won't have it's bumps, it's just that those fears and insecurities are not there anymore. They are just the details, she is OUR daughter.

Those first few days are a beautiful memory, we would just sit and stare at her. Examine her little toes, her ears...we found every scar. She has three. One on her leg that looks like a bug bite, one on the back of her ear that looks like a small cut, and one on her arm that looks like a shot. I played with her hair, and just cuddled, she let me... Jeff and I just couldn't believe she was OURS, what a miracle adoption is and how privileged we are be a part of it.

We love you darling Faith, more than words! Happy One Month Anniversary!