This week in reflecting upon the things that I am learning,
I feel that I am gaining a better understanding of what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
I am starting to understand my own
qualities and I am better understanding what qualities I need to develop to
become an entrepreneur. In listening to
both the Steve Blank video and the Wences Cesare's video, I better understand
that it is difficult to balance life/work.
If I do want to start up a company, (and I am not positive I do) I now
understand the diligence I will need to make it a success. I have also always considered my life
experience to be an asset, however according to Mr. Cesare's…time is the most
valuable asset. This new revelation made
me a little discouraged.
In the future I am looking forward to finishing another semester, continuing to better understand the nature of business, and expanding my knowledge base.