Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dress Up ~ Wedding Bliss

Faith came home from school and announced she wanted to get married.  I said to whom?  She said Gage...a boy in her Sunday School class.  He is pretty darn cute.  So her big sister Kylee took her upstairs and helped her get ready for her big day!  Watch out Gage, she is one determined little girl!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

President's Weekend

We had a relaxing long weekend with the kids out of school on Friday and Monday.  Dallin had soccer on Saturday, we had church on Sunday and Monday we went to the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge with our friends.  After the refuge we went to pizza and Cabela's, every man's dream store.  Dallin is our outdoor man and loves fishing and the idea of hunting, he has been begging me to take him to this store for years.  It was close to the refuge so he got lucky.  I was actually happily surprised at the store, it is so cool.  They have displays inside the store that are set up like a museum.  We saw every kind of wild animal and they even had an aquarium. 
Having a sense of humor, I found it quite funny that the first place we went to was to protect and preserve wildlife, and the second place we went to was all about the hunt.  Opposite ends of the spectrum on our all inclusive nature day.  :)
Me taking Dawn P's picture

while she takes mine :)
the group
Dawn P. walking with the girls
Faith getting a peek at nature up close
Dallin enjoying the experience
Picture by Dawn P.

This guy found an owl's nest with the owl...we got to see it through his camera...so cool!
Found some treasures
Kylee and Lucy
overexposed picture, the boys are not as white as this, but close:)
another opportunity to get the umbrella out ( we get alot of those)

leaves and mossy tree
Playing with my focus, wanted to have the front branch blurry and focus behind it...
fuzzy trees
Loved the barns, had some fun editing this pic.
Love the water and the barn reflection
Washington or England?

We know one taxidermist is staying busy...


Display in the center of the store
Airplane in the middle of the store

And we even got to shop, she is a trendsetter!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

More or Enough?

In a world that is always promoting " More" I found this sweet expression priceless and wanted to share.  I definitely have enough and count my blessings daily :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's DaY!

 Banner on our front door

Had this waiting for Husband when he woke up this morning

Decorating dinning room for Family Dinner tonight

Hearts & Kisses

Found a box of chocolates that says, " Sweetie Pie"  perfect for Faith

She makes some silly faces that make me happy!

She is having fun with balloons and her reflection today!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Going Someplace!

We have our first trip planned for 2012 and I am so excited! It's our 20th anniversary!  I can't wait to get away with my sweetie pie Jeff!

We will get to visit here
From a little boat ride on this...

And sleep in this fancy place or should I say Palace...hmmm?
(The Palace Hotel)

and sight see in this little yellow ride...have you guessed where?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

~In Loving Memory~

There are some beautiful traditions from the East.  Since we don't live close to where my father in law Gary was laid to rest I decided we needed a way to honor and show our respect to him.  Fortunately last year when we were in Hawaii they were having their annual Lantern Floating Hawaii Ceremony.  This is where we learned about a beautiful tradition where family members light and place a lantern in the water in  rememberance of their loved ones, healing their grief, and praying for a harmonious future.  Many write notes to their loved ones and place them on the floating lanterns. 

Our first annual floating lantern ceremony... 

This year I had the idea with no real concept of how to make the lantern.  As soon as Faith was in school today I started on my little project.  I am really proud of how it turned out and even worked!  I used rice paper from our local Asian store and just loved how it looked out on the water.  We love you and miss you dad!   

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Go Lions!

Faith's buddy cheerleader for the party...
Little Miss Faith got invited to a birthday party where the guest of honor hired the local high school cheerleaders to throw her a party!  She learned a dance, and could have performed it at the game tonight, but she fell asleep after the party.   Each girl was assigned a buddy...check out Faith's silly buddy.  I think she was about done when I got there to take pictures.   She is also still trying to grasp the concept that other people have birthdays too.  She wanted all the presents for herself.