There are some beautiful traditions from the East. Since we don't live close to where my father in law Gary was laid to rest I decided we needed a way to honor and show our respect to him. Fortunately last year when we were in Hawaii they were having their annual Lantern Floating Hawaii Ceremony. This is where we learned about a beautiful tradition where family members light and place a lantern in the water in rememberance of their loved ones, healing their grief, and praying for a harmonious future. Many write notes to their loved ones and place them on the floating lanterns.
Our first annual floating lantern ceremony... |
This year I had the idea with no real concept of how to make the lantern. As soon as Faith was in school today I started on my little project. I am really proud of how it turned out and even worked! I used rice paper from our local Asian store and just loved how it looked out on the water. We love you and miss you dad!