Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Did you know?

In the year 2003 Jeff and I went to visit Hawaii with some friends.  It was 5 days of wonderful.  At the time we had a 14 year old son, an 11 year old daughter, a 9  year old son and a 5 year old son.  We were unsure about having more children and had the opportunity to visit the Hawaii temple.  We thought this the perfect opportunity and setting to pray about more children.  We went to the temple and had a wonderful time. 

My husband had the strongest impression that there was another child for our family...he came to me in the temple and quietly told me.  I on the other hand had not felt the same strong answer, but was excited that he did.  I still wasn't sure, and after we were done inside we walked the temple grounds.  We came upon this beautiful waterfall and sculpture.  From a distance it seemed to read ETERNITY.  When we got closer I just had to take a picture, because here was MY answer to our prayer.  This experience happened 6 years before we finally took the first steps to adopting our sweet Faith.  And what a miracle and a blessing she is to us.  I thank my Heavenly Father daily for the sweet promptings we felt that day almost 8 years ago.