Share and Report Assignment week 2
Choice 2: Matthew 13:24-48 The Lord Often Taught with
In the Bible Dictionary read the first three
paragraphs under the entry “parables” (pp 740-741) In your own words, write a
definition of a parable.
A parable is a form of teaching. It was most widely used by the Savior. A parable requires higher understanding and
is meant for those that are studying and seeking greater knowledge.
Read the following parables: parable of the
tares (Matt 13:24-30); parables of the mustard seed and the leaven (Matt
13:31-33); parables of the treasure and the pearl of great price (matt 13:44-46);
parable of the gospel net (Matthew 13:47-50) Next to each of the following
questions write the name for the parable that best answers that question.
What describes the future growth of the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? (Parable of the leaven)
Why does the church send out so many
missionaries? (Parable of the net)
How do you explain the remarkable growth of the
church considering that it is fairly new compared to most world religions and
started small in the American frontier? (Parable of the mustard seed)
Why are some members of the church willing to
sacrifice so much worldly wealth and recognition in order to maintain membership
in the church? ( Parable of the treasure and the pearl of great price)
Why do some church members choose to leave the
church?(Parable of the tares)
3. Write answers to the following questions.
Consider the parables of the treasure and the pearl of great
price ( see Matt. 13:47)
What sacrifices would you be willing to make to obtain the
treasure of the gospel and what sacrifices have you or those you know already
made for the gospel?
Since I already have the gospel and have been a member since
childhood, I have made living by the commandments part of my routine. Some of the things I do that others might
struggle with are go to church every Sunday for 3 hours, and volunteer my time
in a calling. Time is a big
sacrifice. Another principle I obey is
the law of tithing. As a household we
pay a tenth of what we make to the church.
This might seem as a sacrifice to some, but for us it has been a
blessing. Another sacrifice is that of
friends and associates. Because we
follow the word of wisdom and don’t drink coffee, smoke or drink alcohol, we
have missed out on some social experiences.
However, I don’t feel this is a sacrifice either, because those people
that really care about us, chose activities that we can participate in.
What does the net
represent in the parable of the net cast into the sea?
The net represents missionary work, and gathering Christ’s
What does it mean to
be gathered into the net? To be gathered
means to be baptized and actively participating in the gospel.
What is represented by the action of gathering the good into
vessels and casting the bad away? (Matt 13:48-50)
Heavenly Father is a perfect being, and unless
we accept the Savior’s atonement and repent we will not be worthy to enter into
the kingdom. The righteous will be
gathered and the unrighteous will be cast away.