Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Look what we are working on now... Here is our packing list...Hip Hip Horray!

My thought after looking this over is it seems made for a smaller infant...will I need these items for a 2 1/2 year old little girl? Are there other items not on this that I will need for a toddler?

Packing List for International Adoption

􀂅 Disposable diapers (5 - 8 per day)
􀂅 Unscented baby wipes (100)
􀂅 Ziploc bags (both gallon and sandwich size to hold wipes for travel – just a few of each)
􀂅 Small plastic garbage bags (for dirty diapers and clothes – just a few)
􀂅 Diaper bag or backpack for baby supplies
􀂅 Snugli or other baby carrier, preferably one that allows baby to face both outward and inward
􀂅 Two 8-oz. baby bottles to be used with bottle liners
􀂅 100 - 150 bottle liners to fit bottles
􀂅 4 standard bottle nipples
􀂅 Small thermos for keeping water hot for formula when traveling
􀂅 Small scissors to enlarge nipple holes (most babies in China as accustomed to faster milk delivery than a small hole allows)
􀂅 One to two 14 - 16 oz. cans powdered formula. Many parents choose a soy-based formula because of possible lactose intolerance, but a standard formula is almost always safe. Consult your pediatrician if you are uncertain. Chinese formula is readily available, and it may be advantageous to keep your child on the formula they are accustomed to until you return to the U.S.
􀂅 Rice cereal (infants over six months may be interested in foods besides formula)
􀂅 5 -10 lunchbox size containers of natural applesauce (can be mixed with rice cereal)
􀂅 Small plastic bowl and baby spoon
􀂅 Sippie cup for toddlers
􀂅 Cheerios (small ziploc bag full if baby is over 7 or S months). They dissolve in the mouth and are an interesting new experience. Bring more if your child is over one year.
􀂅 2 - 3 plastic bibs (disposable bibs are also great)
􀂅 2 pacifiers (most babies won’t use them but they may come in handy)
􀂅 2 burp cloths (such as a cloth diaper)
􀂅 2 - 3 baby blankets (I crib blanket, 1- 2 receiving blankets)
􀂅 2 - 4 pajamas
􀂅 5 - 6 pairs baby booties or socks
􀂅 6 - 8 outfits or Onesies (depending on weather and time of year). Bring 3 different sizes to be on the safe side.
Note: Extra winter clothing
2 - 4undershirts of thermal Onesies
Warm pajamas with feet
Snowsuit (fleece works well with infants) or warm jacket
Most people bring one very cute outfit to wear when getting off the plane arriving home
􀂅 I small bottle of baby soap and shampoo
􀂅 I small bottle of baby lotion
􀂅 I small container of cornstarch baby powder
􀂅 I tube of diaper rash cream
􀂅 2 tubes of chap stick
􀂅 Baby hairbrush
􀂅 Baby nail clippers
􀂅 Several small baby rattles or toys
􀂅 Teething ring
􀂅 For toddlers: small bottle of bubbles, set of plastic stacking cups, and 2 heavy-duty cardboard books
􀂅 Small stuffed animal (musical is nice)
􀂅 Umbrella stroller (many hotels provide strollers and a stroller can be purchased for less than $20 if you decide you need one)
􀂅 Small bottle of Dial antibacterial hand sanitizer
􀂅 Consider bringing an extra bag in your luggage for souvenirs (bags can also be purchased for under $10 if time allows)
􀂅 A small bag of clothing to give to the orphanage director
􀂅 6 - small gifts to give to caregivers, guides, drivers, etc. (Something unique to your area is nice; i.e. pens, pins, etc.)
Note: Small gift bags
Tissue to wrap gifts in (any color other than white)


  1. Oh my word...I am so glad we didn't get a list like this...just pack what YOU think Faith might need, there is always a WalMart type store for necessities...you are going to do fine!!!

  2. Wow! I agree that you can find everything in China...so pack what you would for a 2 year old and know that you can buy what you have forgotten or not brought the right thing. You're at pro at the mom thing...so don't sweat it too much!

    Really, the more important stuff is to have all the right paperwork/money as you go.


  3. Whoa there...that's some list. I agree with the comments above...they seem right on!
