Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas!

This week will be gone before it gets here. We are so busy; getting ready for Christmas is a task in itself for a mother, then add company and a trip to China, while simultaneously preparing your 3 children that are staying home to manage their own busy lives ( all 3 are playing basketball, which means daily practices and several games a week X 3 people)

This is when I say to myself...(BREATHE) and I remember why we are so busy, what the season is about and I become thankful for the busyness and the people in my life that have been supportive of our family. My children had over 20 families in church yesterday offer their support 24/7 while we travel to meet our daughter and their sister. I have no doubt they all mean it, and there will be many lovely, wonderful friends checking in on my babies. Even if my babies are all are teenagers, or almost. We have the support of Spencer's girlfriend who has been so generous with her time and is staying with the kids, and then her parents who came over last night to go over the kids daily schedules and are ready (and even excited) to attend the games and cheer on the kids in our place.

Merry Christmas! Here is our Christmas card. We truly have {JOY} in our home and in our lives!


  1. Love your card! Have a safe and wonderful trip! Merry Christmas!

  2. I don't know how people do it without the love and support of a church family! I LOVE ours too.
    I will be praying for you guys as you get through this week, but focus on next week. You will do fine!
    (((hugs))) to you and Merry Christmas!

  3. I LOVE your card! The pictures are so cute and fun! This really is a crazy time of year to be planning this adventure. How are you even able to sleep at night?!;) What a blessing to have the support of ward members and friends. 9 more days! You are in the single digits now!!!

  4. You are one week behind us...we are in Guangzhou 1/1-1/8. Have a safe trip!

  5. Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy every minute of your trip to China. I tried to soak it all in as I knew it would go by fast - it did. Our wonderful friends took care of our kids too, while we were in China. Your kids will do great! You will really enjoy having the time with Faith those two weeks. We didn't realize it beforehand, but for us, those two weeks were vital for our bonding with Sophie. Best wishes to you and your family. We will be following you along in your journey to China! Can't wait to see the photos of you with your new daughter.
    Staci Barrus
