Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


  1. I just had to stop the frames where the children gathered around you and Faith. What an experience. The other pictures show interesting views of the City.

    LOve you guys!!
    Stay safe.

  2. Wonderful pictures...just love the pillow you sent to Faith...I think she connected with you before she even met you. Love you and miss you!

  3. Adorable! You guys are taking fabulous photos!!! I can totally relate to the medical exam. I STILL have a hard time when Libby has to go to the doctor. I guess when you understand all of the trauma that they have been through in their short lives, it makes it so hard to see them suffer in any way. It is surprising how resilient and full of joy these little girls are! I am sure that Si Si will quickly overcome these obstacles, and with her loving family, find a new and happy life!
