Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Friday, March 12, 2010


  1. How fun...love how the balloon stayed on the ceiling...what goes up doesn't always come down?

  2. She is so dang cute! Toddlers and balloons are the same worldwide, aren't they? Love the outfit, by the way. She looks so happy. :)

  3. Faith is such a beautiful little girl!! I love the pictures of your four children together! I read your post about Faith's diagnosis. I know how you feel about just wanting to protect her. I feel the same about Cai. I hesitate to tell many people about her medical information for fear that she will be "labeled". I know that she will be the wonderful little person that God created her to be and that's what I want people to see. Love, Kim

  4. How happy is she?? What a sweet little girl... That smile can make anyone smile.
