Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Faith's Spring Break...was no break ( Dental Surgery for 16 teeth)

Before we left for the hospital...I gave her an old binki to keep her mouth busy since she couldn't eat or drink.
Waiting for her turn in the playroom...

After 8 hours at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital...16 teeth fixed from decalcification, two crowns.  :(
Lots of meds in this little girl...
she was kinda funny :)
It's been a long day
So glad it's over!


  1. 16! I wouldn't even think she'd HAVE that many teeth yet!

    I thought it was hard getting two surface cavities filled for Clara Rose.

    I am glad it is over for Faith as well!

  2. I'm glad Faith is feeling better and her surgery is behind her!! We just found out Gabriella will be having surgery on at least seven of her teeth next month...as I thought we were going in to get maybe a couple of fillings at most, hearing the words taking her to surgery, intubating her etc came as quite a shock!! As a nurse I've helped with hundreds of kiddos on vents, surgery etc, but when they wanted to do this to OUR baby girl...this mama was a little taken back! Thank you for sharing about Faith...it's helping to reassure me we aren't the only ones going down this path. Soooo happy it is behind her and she is feeling better!!! She is just a beautiful little girl and I can tell a true blessing to your family!

  3. Oh my!!! We had that surgery for Em when she was about that age. I think it was 12 teeth for Em with 1 crown. It was a nightmare for me with worry, but she recovered really quickly from it all. I tell her she has the most expensive mouth in history. lol. Em hasn't had any other issues with her teeth since having her initial fix.
