Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

New Testament Week 4

Choice 1: Matthew 19:16–30; 20:1–16. Earthly and Heavenly Rewards

  1. Review Matthew 19:16–30 and write responses to the following questions and tasks:
    • What indications can you find that suggest why the young man decided not to follow the Savior? How does Matthew 6:19–24 help explain his choice?
I love this parable, obeying the commandments for the young man came easy, except he could not put God 1st.  He valued his riches more than being perfect in Christ.  When Christ told him to “sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shall have treasure in heaven, and come follow me.”  I also love the Savior’s explanation to his disciples.  He says, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. “  This visual makes me laugh, and I think we get to see a little of Christ’s personality here. 
    • What blessings did the Savior promise to those who make sacrifices to follow Him?  
Treasure in heaven.
    • Based on the Savior’s response to Peter, write a paragraph that could help you put the Lord first in your life (see also the additional details in Mark 10:17–31).
                Jesus teaches that the last will be first and the first will be last.  The Savior understood that following him and being a Christian would bring persecution.  He also understood the great blessings that accompany faith.  Reading the teachings of the Savior are a great reminder that we need to pray daily for the Holy Ghost to assist us in making decisions.  I want to make sure I am putting God first in my life, and I know that if I pray for guidance, I will be prompted and inspired in my daily actions. 
  1. Review the parable in Matthew 20:1–16 and consider what rewards come to those who serve in the Lord’s kingdom. Complete the chart below, filling in the blanks with information you find in Matthew 20:
The hour the laborers were hired
How much the man agreed to pay
Hours worked
How much they were actually paid
Early in the morning
A penny a day
What they agreed upon
Third hour
A penny
What they agreed
Sixth hour
A penny
What was agreed
Ninth hour
A penny
What was agreed
Eleventh hour
A penny
What was agreed
3. Respond in writing to each of the following questions:
    • What do we learn from this parable about serving in the Lord’s kingdom?
        Heavenly Father is grateful to have us all in his kingdom, those that have just found the gospel will have the same blessings as those who have been in the gospel for a long amount of time. 
    • What message of comfort can this parable have for converts to the Church?
It shows that we all have the same value in the sight of God.
    • What would you tell someone who feels it is unfair for each of the laborers to be paid equally?
I would say that the laborer who worked the full day was able to enjoy the knowledge that he was providing for his family, he enjoyed the blessings of having a job.  There is a comfort in being a member of the church, and being included in this blessing of comfort longer should be looked upon in a positive way.

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