Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Nesting...Oh Goodness :)

Ok, I am living proof that nesting isn't some sort of hormonal pregnant thing. I am NESTING!!!! And it's crazy. Jeff said to me the other day, "what is wrong with you, you just won't sit down?" I am cleaning like a mad woman. Jeff...the smart man that he is happened to mention how messy the garage was, and guess what I did yesterday...cleaned the garage! He is one sneaky guy!

I found a definition on the wide web as to what I am feeling.
"The nesting instinct usually sets in around the fifth month of your pregnancy. Now some may not know what the "nesting instinct" is. This is basically the uncontrollable urge to clean your house, and generally go CrAzY doing all sorts of things that will prepare the 'nest' for the new member of the family.

This is a primal instinct and all the females of almost every species in the world will go through this same instinct in one way or another. It is also an old wives tale that this is one of the signs that labor is going to set in shortly. Females of the animal kingdom are all equipped with this same need. It is a primal instinct. Just as you see birds making their nests, mothers-to-be do exactly the same thing. The act of nesting puts you in control and gives a sense of accomplishment toward birth. You may become a homebody and want to retreat into the comfort of home and familiar company, like a brooding hen. The nesting urge can also be seen as a sign of the onset of labor when it occurs close to 40 weeks of pregnancy.

Nesting brings about some unique and seemingly irrational behaviors in pregnant women and all of them experience it differently. Women have reported throwing away perfectly good sheets and towels because they felt the strong need to have "brand new, clean" sheets and towels in their home. They have also reported doing things like taking apart the knobs on kitchen cupboards, just so they could disinfect the screws attached to the knobs. Women have discussed taking on cleaning their entire house, armed with a toothbrush. There seems to be no end to the lengths a nesting mother will go to prepare for her upcoming arrival."


  1. Hi,
    I just found your blog from another blog (The Time of Our Lives) and wanted to say hi! I think you may even be very local to me, looking at your "Green River" blog that mentioned Lake Meridian (we live in Kent, WA). I have your blog bookmarked now and can't wait to follow along on your journey!!
    Be blessed,

  2. Hi Dawn!

    I hope you don't mind, but I was talking to someone at work today (I work at the Church Office Building so don't worry, he's not shadey!) and I found out that he and his wife recently adopted a special needs daughter from China last year, making her their 6th child. She's 4 or 5 years old now and it sounds like her disability is related to the left hemisphere of her brain, causing some speech delays etc. I hope you don't mind, but I told them about you and I forwarded on a link to your blog so his wife could contact you! Their last name is VanWagoner.

  3. Hello Brown Family, My husbands' friend at work, Kate, directed us to your cute blog. We are the VanWagoners mentioned above! We brought our sweet Lilly home June 2008 and if I thought it was a whirlwind before we left it is nothing like it has been since! I don't blog and barely get any photos developed anymore! I would love to talk to you, we could exchange e-mails. It would be great to get the girls together when you get settled! It has been the most amazing and wonderful and life-changing event ever! My bio-kids (21-9) adore our Lilly Le Hao and we can't imagine life without her! I really could have used someone to talk to during those first months of adjustment. Do contact us! Good Luck! Alayne VanWagoner
