Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

HOLD Your horses missy!

Well...we were given the wrong travel information :( We will not be traveling as soon as November, the employee at the agency made a mistake. I was a little disappointed but really we have been so blessed just to have our LOA already, I would be very ungrateful to complain about a little mistake like this. So we are still excited and Happy!!! Let's hope before Christmas!


  1. Hang in there! Christmas would be perfect timing too!

  2. I am just catching up... I've not been able to read blogs too much lately. Congratulations... it is so exciting to know that Faith will be here soon!!!

  3. Congratulations. I found your blog about three weeks ago. Had no time to contact you (but wanted to) as we just arrived back from China last night with our son who is pictured in your daughter's birthday photo. He is wearing the blue tank top...on the right in the photo. We couldn't visit the orphanage but met the director who seemed very nice. Our son is a great joy. Here is our blog...

  4. I just found your blog and wanted to say CONGRATS!! I am so very happy for your family! Here is to speedy travel and your lovely daughter home before Christmas!!
