Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Following others timelines... my best guess as to when we will get travel approval?

Jeff and I have become fanatic about tracking other adoptive families time lines and stories. It really becomes an obsession. Mostly driven from the lack of information coming out of China. We are desperate to just have an answer. One of the families we are close behind just got their travel approval. If our paperwork follows their course...we should hear about our travel approval around December 4th. From what I understand, airfare doubles December 15th through the 31st. I sure hope we are not left with the decision to travel at double the cost, or wait a few weeks. It has seemed such a long wait already... I just want to go as quickly as possible, but on the other hand I know she is in great care, and two weeks will not make much of a difference in the long run. The unknown is driving me cRaZY! Time for dessert!


  1. Before this adoption I never checked e-mails or even knew what a blog was. Now I'm always watching timelines and e-mails. It's very addictive to try to get more information. Hang in there. You are so close now!;)

  2. I so know how horribly crazy that waiting can be...hang in there friend.

  3. Oh my gosh! I totally remember feeling this way-- like I was checking RQ a million times a day (as if it was finally going to tell me the answer on the 1 million and 1st time!)... This wait can be torture! Just know that you're not alone in feeling that way.
    Be blessed,

  4. It is definitly an obsession! And one that is driving me crazy. Everyday I am calculating and recalculating what the chances are of traveling before January. We just had one of Merritt's clients offer us his sky miles (enough for both of our tickets) BUT they have to be booked by the end of the year. Just one more thing to make me obsess about it. I love the bear picture! That is totally where I see myself headed!

  5. I did the exact same thing - sometimes several times a day! I was driving myself absolutely crazy. You're not far behind us! I'm watching and waiting for you too!

  6. Go Aggies! You must truly be a kindred spirit!

    Nothing yet? I hope you hear something very soon. But I have to admit I would also love to see you in China!
