Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guess What! I got an email from Guangzhou CHINA!!!

Oh my goodness! I have been checking my email several times a day hoping for a reply!!!!! Now that our Article 5 has been forwarded to the Chinese Consulate, there is nothing left to be reviewed!!!!

This is an amazing feeling right now, it's been something we have discussed and talked about for years ; now we are weeks away from making this dream a reality. We have so much to be thankful for :)


  1. Congratulations!! We are not far behind you, so hopefully we will hear something soon too.
    Have you started packing?

  2. What GREAT news!!! So happy for all of you. You are so close I bet you can taste the fried rice-haha;)

  3. You know what I love Dawn? Someday Faith will be able to read all your blogs and know once again how much she is loved and how badly you wanted her. :)
    I'm so happy for you that she is nearly here!
    :), Julie

  4. HOORAY!!!! That is so exciting! I actually have goosebumps!

    I keep thinking that each step closer we get that maybe the anxiety will lessen. But actually I think with each step closer the more crazy I am becoming!

    I hope you hear something very, very soon! Maybe that fortune cookie CAN cover us both! :)

  5. Whoooo hoooo! So happy to hear the great news! She will be here before you know it!

  6. Wow! We were told not to email or ask! I am so glad you found out thought! We are still waiting..our stuff was cabled on 11/7. When was yours cabled.

  7. Yea! That is great news. We got our TA 20 days after that point - I think. You are getting close. I bet for Christmas this year you get a known travel date! Can't wait to watch you get Faith home.

  8. Awesome!! I can't believe I haven't seen this yet! Your TA should be coming any day now! Congrats!!
    Be blessed,
