Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!

Yes...it's a Japanese Kimono...we went to a cultural fair and the Japanese women just wanted to dress her up...how could I say no?


  1. What a cutie. She looks lovely. How is she feeling?

  2. Happy Chinese New Year! Hope Faith is feeling better. She is in our prayers. Hate to ask again, but can you send us the pics from the Great Wall and the Olympic Park?
    Blessings, Sandy

  3. Faith is just too cute for words! Love the picture and I do hope that she is feeling better. Isn't it a wonderfully, unbelievable feeling to finally have her home. Just a true miracle and exceptional journey. And isn't it so overwhelming just how perfectly she fits into your family. So happy for you!!!
