Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Flash Frozen in Seattle

We have had some extreme weather here, but it is beautiful!  I couldn't stop taking pictures of the ice that had formed on everything.  Unfortunately this ice has brought down trees, power lines, carports, and everything else in its path.   One night my son Dallin came running into our room, something loud had scratched against his upstairs window.  After investigation we realized a limb had broke off our tree.  We are so glad the windows didn't break.  We were also very fortunate to have kept power throughout the week, and our children were fortunate to miss an entire week of school!  We were the only neighborhood in our area that kept power and had a few extra guests throughout the week too :)   Here are a few of my favorite pictures straight from the camera :)

Japanese Maple Tree in front of our house
Snowy Urn
This is a picture of the tree before it broke :(
another angle
Fountain in the front
Loving these pics!
The cul de sac tree
Flag :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos! My daughter was just there last week. She was able to fly home right before all the flights were cancelled. Cold but so pretty though!
