Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just couldn't help myself!!!

Faith already has more than enough clothing, and it is just horrible that I have no self control!!! Curse that darling dress for her baby doll...how could I not buy it?


  1. That is too cute not to pick up!

  2. Those dresses are absolutely adorable, I would have done the exact same thing and splurged. So cute!
    Bailey :o)

  3. Oh my goodness! I love them! Of course you had to buy them! So so so cute!

    I've decided Maggie REALLY needs to come home soon. Not just for all the obvious reasons but also because I am WAY out of control on buying clothes and toys for her. I think once she is home and I have her to keep me busy I won't be so crazy with occupying myself with buying stuff for her. Okay, who am I kidding, I'm STILL not going to have any control!

  4. I still have no control and Lilly has been home for 6 months! She has WAY too much stuff and I get excited when Gymboree announces a new line...beautiful dress!

  5. A girl after my own heart!! Who can resist a cute dress!!

  6. It would have been wrong NOT to buy it!

  7. Oh Staci, your comment made me laugh out loud :) Thanks everyone for the lovely comments and support!

  8. Perfect, I love it!! There is no such thing as too many dresses.

  9. Yeah, I have developed quite the Gymboree addiction during this wait. I will have TWO little girls (my bio DD, 8, plus Abby who's also 8) and I can't get enough of buying matching clothes. I hope they want to match, because they will be for a LONG time!!
    And I LOVE that dress you bought with the little matching doll dress - too, too cute!!
