Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Validation.... oh the vanity!

Early on in the adoption process I discovered a wonderful website where many adopting parents gather and share information. There is also an area where we can "introduce" our children with a note and a picture. Our introduction has had more views on it than any other... I would like to think it's because Faith is just so dang darling. Oh the vanity... I posted the picture I have at the top of our blog with the high pigtails. She has had 1924 views. I thought I would record it here for her to see when she is older. Maybe when her self esteem needs a boost in those awkward teen years.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just couldn't help myself!!!

Faith already has more than enough clothing, and it is just horrible that I have no self control!!! Curse that darling dress for her baby doll...how could I not buy it?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guess What! I got an email from Guangzhou CHINA!!!

Oh my goodness! I have been checking my email several times a day hoping for a reply!!!!! Now that our Article 5 has been forwarded to the Chinese Consulate, there is nothing left to be reviewed!!!!

This is an amazing feeling right now, it's been something we have discussed and talked about for years ; now we are weeks away from making this dream a reality. We have so much to be thankful for :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Following others timelines... my best guess as to when we will get travel approval?

Jeff and I have become fanatic about tracking other adoptive families time lines and stories. It really becomes an obsession. Mostly driven from the lack of information coming out of China. We are desperate to just have an answer. One of the families we are close behind just got their travel approval. If our paperwork follows their course...we should hear about our travel approval around December 4th. From what I understand, airfare doubles December 15th through the 31st. I sure hope we are not left with the decision to travel at double the cost, or wait a few weeks. It has seemed such a long wait already... I just want to go as quickly as possible, but on the other hand I know she is in great care, and two weeks will not make much of a difference in the long run. The unknown is driving me cRaZY! Time for dessert!

Good source for News in China...

Can you believe people live like this? It just breaks my heart :(
They are called cage homes...these are in Hong Kong...a story I found on this website. It's very interesting and good information on current events in China:)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our Visa's are back...one step closer!

We just picked up our passports from our agency and they have a Chinese Visa now!!! It's so exciting to see that Visa in there...every step it becomes more "Real". Hopefully this week we will get news on our Article 5...and then our travel dates!! We also got some news on Faith...it seems she is struggling with tonsillitis. We are told she gets it very often. I am thinking she will need her tonsils out when she gets home... do they even do that anymore? We have been much more specific in our prayers for her with this new information :) Wow this wait is testing my patience!

Gratefully I have our other children to keep me busy...I don't know how couples handle the wait when it's their first child :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Good Fortune!

I am so blessed, my friends are having me a shower tonight!!! I also got this fortune the other day...we are getting so close, I am trying not to get overly excited because I don't want to get disapointed if we don't travel by Christmas, but with these two fortunate events happening back to back, I can't help myself!!! We could be in China soon!!! Thanks to everyone for their wonderful support and love!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Heaven is The FACE

Steven Curtis Chapman adopted a little girl from China, then lost her in a tragic accident in 2008. This song was written from that tragedy. We have two very close friends who have also lost their young daughters.

Our sweet Paris (http://pariswhite.com/)

and dear Mara (http://maraadams.com/) This song reminded me of their families and their sweet daughters.